December 2011
I need to sit down and do some calculating, because I'm convinced I logged more hours travelling than I did writing. On second thought, I'll skip the calculator fun and just accept the truth: December's schedule was insane!

Between the teaching of another workshop (Learning Styles for Writers—no I didn't teach this one, but was… how do I put it? The test subject who fielded questions and provided insights for the other KVA (Kinesthetic-Visual-Auditory) authors in the class), picking up a wretched flu/cold, and travelling all over the Southeastern corridor in my almost 18 year old truck… I managed to begin the complete overhaul of some upcoming books.  In addition to that, I was nominated (and accepted) a volunteer position at FF&P to be the 2012 Fantasy on the Bayou Conference Co-Chair—scheduled for March 2-4, 2012 in New Orleans (FMI, checkout the blog site I created for it at fantasyonthebayou.blogspot.com).

I'm looking forward to when I can get back home and to my desk—sometime in the beginning of January 2012.

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November 2011
The holidays came, went, and I splurged for Thanksgiving and had lobster. Honestly, it was cheaper than a turkey.  Besides I've never been a fan of the side effects of turkey—aka, a tryptophan induced coma.
Due to family matters, I didn't get as much writing done as I'd planned, but the plans for world domination continue…

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October 2011
October was a busy month for me—something that has me worried this will become a mantra now that I started this crazy train of self-publishing. Along with my normal mama duties and writer extraordinaire pursuits, I was applying my motivational magic at the FF&P chapter for my writer peeps there. In preparation for November's NaNoWriMo challenge, I whipped up a craft workshop called Down N' Dirty plotting. 

Check out the blurb for it: Just like a well-built house has blueprints, a well-crafted novel/story has plot. Plot is more than just a four letter word. It's structure. This workshop will take you through some simple steps to teach you how to build your own, unique plot structure for any given word count story.  Using principles taken from Evan Marshall's Marshall Plan for Novel Writing and Michael Hauge's Six Stage Story Structure, I'll show you a simple technique that will enable you to manage the beginning, middle, and end scenes in your story. 

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September 2011
The Next Logical Step contemporary romance short story was published. Can I get a Woot?! Oh yeah, I heard ya and thanks! If I can get this crazy train under control, then hopefully I'll have another book out by mid-September. Until then... wish me LUCK!

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August 2011
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of world domination (again, mine--not yours ;o) hit a few snags in August—mainly in the form of my old faithful laptop that crashed and burned. But I recovered and ordered a new laptop. Sad part is that it impacted my progress for August. Happy part is that I received the new laptop early in September and after a few days of transferring files and configuring things... got to work and finished up a short story that I've had sitting around for a while (aka, The Next Logical Step).
     Other excited news was that I received three covers from my awesome cover artist, Lindsay Breen. Check them out!

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July 2011
July 2011 was the month that my campaign for world (that's my world, not yours--at least not yours, yet ;o) domination began.  It was heralded by my decision to go the indie route and self-publish some of my older works (read here pre-Y2K manuscripts).  First up on that long, long list was Emily's Affair.
 EA was published on Amazon (7/19/2011), Smashwords (7/20/2011), and B&N (7/21/2011). This began what I affectionately refer to as the steep OMFG-this-is-insane-crazy-but-fun-as-all-get-out learning curve in the every changing publishing industry paradigm (sometimes referred to by me in rare moments of lucidity as a pair-of-da-gem). Sales for July were steady, but by my calculations... there are still a few billion folks in the world who have yet to purchase my book. So it's okay to spread the word. Seriously. It's okay. I'm good with it. ;o)

Last Updated:      January 15, 2012 by EK.


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