Where the Muse Brags on Her Author...

For those who are familiar with my brand of psychobabble, you might have noticed that my author and I labeled 2011 as our personal Year of Success.This theme of success has permeated so many layers of the daily life that it's hard to find the time to blog or tweet these days. But I'm here now and the author has given me 15 minutes to get this brag session out--before she turns in for the evening.

Works for me--sleep is good. So let's get to bragging.

My author has learned so much since the New Year that it's been a race to keep up with all the activities going on. To date this year, my author has attended a month long workshop (in Jan) at Savvy Authors (Editpalooza) that kicked her butt. An online conference (last week) at Savvy (Digicon) that opened her eyes and kicked her butt. She's discovered the joy of mapping her writing process using the learning and creative pathways that use auditory, kinesthetic, or visual stimuli during the brainstorming, writing, and revision modes.My author is now back on track with revising her 12 year old manuscript (and I agree, I suck at naming manuscripts, but it's okay because... ). My author is happy with her writing--so happy that she can't stop grinning about it or looking forward to getting back into it.

For which I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL. (;o)

And now, we brag.

As of yesterday morning, the word doc was sitting at ~59K words and was out of order--with no logical 6 stage story structure that carried all the way through the book. As of right now... the ms has been cleaned up (with ~10K words in scenes deleted) and is sitting at 48,856 words, has 24 comments in it for revision--14 of those comments say insert new scene with a description and the other 10 describe modifications to the current scenes. AND has a 6 stage story structure with clear character arcs for the hero and heroine.  Oh and she has a new first line... that she's been tweaking on and off all day long in her head and is about to drive me crazy thinking about it.

This is wonderful news--for my author and those readers who are waiting to find out what wild and wacky thing she's got going on in her wild and wacky worlds. It brings her one step closer to achieving her writing goals for the year. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if my author is done with this manuscript by March 1 and moving on to the next one that needs revising. And yes, my author has a butt load of manuscripts that are ready for revision--off the top of my head, she's got 3 above 50K words that are ready to be revised: Laurel's Honor, Emily's Affair, Dragon's Katana. Beyond that she's got a slew of 20-45K word mss that could be ready to go in short order... once she gets her writing  technique mastered.  And she's so close to having it mastered... sooo close.

So to my author--WTG! I am so proud of you! You hung in there, made it happen, and didn't give up (even when you said you quit, you were still moving forward to your dream). It's been a long hard road and I couldn't have picked a better author to work with if I'd tried. Now wrap up this post and get your butt into bed. We've got a busy day tomorrow and an early morning scene writing extravaganza to attend before scurrying off to the mundane job.

Until next time... take care and have a great night, everyone!


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