I know it's been a while since I posted. For that I apologize. (And yeah, even as I typed 'I apologize', I felt Gibbs from NCIS pop me on the back of the head and tell me never apologize, it's a sign of weakness. Sure, boss. Whatever you say, boss. *eye roll*)
I've got 12% remaining on the laptop battery right now and an urge to pop online to say... hey, I haven't forgotten the blog. I've been busy. Busy getting myself ready for a big change. And naturally I had to put together a countdown for the change date. As of right now I've got 2.5 days until the change occurs.
What's the change?
Layoff from a job I've had for the past almost 7 years.
Am I freaking over it?
Nope. Not now. I was, but I'm good. Hence the whole me not being around as much as I was before.
What am I going to do?
What I do best. Land on my feet. And keep on walking along my path to higher good.
Am I still writing?
Yeah. I am. World building for Tales of WOE has morphed into interviews with the kickass heroes for the series. I've even got some short stories out of it. So when I get the time (say, oh, after the layoff and the house scrub-a-thon I have planned for the next week), then I'll see what I can do about putting some demented tales up as free reads on the site. The stories are background for the world and not HEAs. So they'll be free reads and hopefully get you interested in my world. And when I'm not juggling the WOE-boys, I'm working on a contemporary story that I'll publish under my alter ego (Elijana K. Dickinson).
How's the cat, dog, and kid doing?
Everyone is good. They're putting up with me coping with this change in life and have been supportive as hell. Couldn't have made it this far without them. (Hence the me buying everyone a happy meal of their choice for dinner as a show of appreciation. ;o)
Has the cat dragged up anything new since the opossum incident?
Not that I know of. Thank goodness. But if she does, you know you'll hear about it.
Okay. I'm down to 6% in battery. Logging off now to go get some sleep so I can make it to the last week at the soon to be old job... I've got an exciting day of scrapbooking and desk cleaning planned for Monday.
Take care and happy musing!
I've got 12% remaining on the laptop battery right now and an urge to pop online to say... hey, I haven't forgotten the blog. I've been busy. Busy getting myself ready for a big change. And naturally I had to put together a countdown for the change date. As of right now I've got 2.5 days until the change occurs.
What's the change?
Layoff from a job I've had for the past almost 7 years.
Am I freaking over it?
Nope. Not now. I was, but I'm good. Hence the whole me not being around as much as I was before.
What am I going to do?
What I do best. Land on my feet. And keep on walking along my path to higher good.
Am I still writing?
Yeah. I am. World building for Tales of WOE has morphed into interviews with the kickass heroes for the series. I've even got some short stories out of it. So when I get the time (say, oh, after the layoff and the house scrub-a-thon I have planned for the next week), then I'll see what I can do about putting some demented tales up as free reads on the site. The stories are background for the world and not HEAs. So they'll be free reads and hopefully get you interested in my world. And when I'm not juggling the WOE-boys, I'm working on a contemporary story that I'll publish under my alter ego (Elijana K. Dickinson).
How's the cat, dog, and kid doing?
Everyone is good. They're putting up with me coping with this change in life and have been supportive as hell. Couldn't have made it this far without them. (Hence the me buying everyone a happy meal of their choice for dinner as a show of appreciation. ;o)
Has the cat dragged up anything new since the opossum incident?
Not that I know of. Thank goodness. But if she does, you know you'll hear about it.
Okay. I'm down to 6% in battery. Logging off now to go get some sleep so I can make it to the last week at the soon to be old job... I've got an exciting day of scrapbooking and desk cleaning planned for Monday.
Take care and happy musing!