World Domination Update...

So I didn't finish Lucien last night--BUT I did go through and map the to do items that'll help me dominate my crazy world right now. A world that got a wee bit skewed last week with a bored kid home for the summer who also has a fractured arm (in 2 places). Which has me hopping up every few minutes to assist my little angel with the littlest of tasks--funniest thing about that was watching her trying to eat a french fry using her broken arm... I know I shouldn't laugh, but the doctor positioned the cast at the perfect angle to torture the hungry kidlet.

Evil mommy tendencies aside... the production schedule is what I'm laying out today. Right after I wrap up making a book cover for a fellow author--Perfect Love.  What do y'all think about it? For me when I'm doing book covers (okay and even when picking clothes or redecorating the house) I tend to go for the simple, uncluttered look.   Granted I don't always know that I achieve it... but it's my goal.

Okay so about that book production schedule... July's book schedule is intense and has three books in it. That sounds crazy busy, right? Well, it is aggressive, but also do-able. Because the three books I'm laying out today on the sacred to-do list are sitting in my frontal lobe ready to be brain dumped.

So which books are they?
--Laurel's Honor (book one in PSST)
--Dragon's Katana (historical--regency)

I also have some business/personal things to take care of today, but they're on a list. And yeah, I haven't forgotten that I promised in the last blog post to post scenes from Lucien's book--which means I'll start doing that (a scene a day--starting tomorrow) until I get the book published. Yep, that's my punishment for not having completed my goals for the week.

And on that note, I'm off to help the kidlet with a broken arm get a bath without soaking the cast... take care!


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