Uncharted Depths--Update

Psst, it's me, Elijana's author. Shhh, not so loud.

Elijana is taking a nap on the siesta deck of the S.S.Muse and I've been ordered to snorkel until I can't snorkel anymore in the uncharted depths of my inner waters. Anybody but me ever look at the word snorkel and think underwater smurfs? Yeah? Well, that's what I'm feeling like right now--a snork. What the heck is a snork, anyway? The little critters look like underwater lemmings. Oh for the love of--that durned muse has turned me into lemming. Well, isn't that a lovely image that has me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. Mark my words, I shall get my revenge on her... moooohahahahaha. Some day, some how, yes indeed, world domination, it will be mine, all mi---

Um, yeah, so, um, the digging deep into the dark waters is going well.

Gotta admit that Ellie Mae had a point (please for the love of all that is just and good in this world, do NOT tell her I said this—I still haven't recovered from the last round of gloating muse) about getting into the spirit of the darker voice for the darker manuscript.

Also have to pass along some credit to some fabulous sprinters I ran into at the FF&P water cooler last night (the names of the innocent have been withheld to protect the, um, for lack of a better phrase, innocent--I so cannot believe I typed that with a straight face.). In the cooler and in between sprints, we had some wonderful discussions about the writing book Break Into Fiction. I have to say that the Universe works in mysterious ways, because these very talented writers directed me back to this tool I already had at my disposal and in my bookcase. The result? A new and improved passion for the darker WIP and a clearer understanding of where to go with it. Can we get a yeehaw and a ‘Thank you, sprinters!’?

And to think, I was contemplating cleaning house instead of sprinting that night. (snicker) Not anymore! (insert evil grin followed by maniacal cackling)

Crap. She, the oh-so-enlightened-over-bearing-mama-of-a-muse, heard the cackling. Okay, I'll catch y'all later. But do me a favor and don't tell her I figured out what I figured out. Because if she gets wind of it, she'll take credit for it and... well, you know where that will lead... yep, another angsty post about gloating muses.
Take care and happy writing, everyone!
~The Snork


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