Life, Liberty, and My Pursuit of World Domination (that's my world, not yours)

Life has been... interesting lately. So interesting that in the past 30 days I have plopped myself down to blog about... oh a hundred times... with the intention of chronicling the occasionally (ha! I wrote occasionally, it'd be more accurate to say string of totally) absurd events that have occurred lately.  But I didn't. Actually, I couldn't. Well, I could have, but my conscience wouldn't have survived it. Which I think you'll understand and sympathize with when I tell you that the past 30 days have had a theme associated with it.

The theme revolved around a phrase I was introduced to when I first moved to North Carolina almost 20 years ago.  The phrase goes like this... "It's time for a comin' to Jesus meetin'".  Honestly, it took me a few years to really get a feel for what all is involved for that kind of meeting.  But this last month... well let's just say that I've earned my stripes and now am fully cognizant of how that particular event works. And leave it at that.

The good news is that this particular meeting had some positive results. First being that I survived it. Second being that I survived it with a new perspective. Third being that... it fired up my world domination mojo-jo-jo. And yes, that is my world, not yours. ;o)~

See I struggled last month with some aspects of writing. The biggest struggle had to do with getting my muse on board with the program.  This involved some serious knock down-drag out discussions with myself on what had caused that infernal writer's block that I'd suffered for almost 12 years. I know you've seen me blog about it before and I've got to tell you that I thought I understood what caused it. Okay, well I knew what big ticket items caused it, but I didn't understand the mechanism that triggered and maintained it.  Honestly, I felt like that was something I had to sit down and address, because if I understand what maintained it then I truly felt (and feel) that I'll be able to develop an environment that deflects any future attempt at blocking myself.

So here's the result of my analysis... I cannot write when I am emotionally NOT calm.  I can brainstorm, edit, give opinions, read blogs, read books, tweet, visit facebook, distract myself by scrubbing the kitchen floor on my hands and knees... but I can't write when I'm in an emotional tizzy.  Okay, so I don't normally get into an emotional tizzy. It defeats the whole left brain Vulcan logic thing I strive for. But sometimes stuff pops up that just nudges you over that edge--so it happens.

Now for why does my emotional calmness impact my writing ability?  The answer to that is just beautiful. Because I am naturally Kinesthetic in my Conscious Mind.  And since the writing process accesses my brain in this order... Conscious-->Subconscious-->Unconscious... then I couldn't even board the train to writer Eutopia until my kinesthetic conscious mind was in the sweet zone.

All of that sounds logically and looks great on paper, but I'm by nature a research scientist and, after I had my learning/writing style mapped out, dummy me blurted out the comment that I needed to test it.  Let's just say that I am my own worst enemy at times--sigh--because this triggered my very own comin' to Jesus meetin'. Did it suck? Oh yeah. Was it worth it? Heck yeah. Did it work? Yup, it sure did. Am I still writing? You better believe it. Do I feel like I nipped that writer's block trigger in the bud? Abso-effing-lutely (excuse my language).

And now you know why I'm back on the crazy train to my world domination.
On that note, I'll leave you with an update on my progress:
--Manipulating the Masters Book One: Lucien (edits have been returned and I'm in the process of finishing this amusing story)
--Tales of WOE Book One: Blood Rank (the plots are circling, the fight scenes have been viewed from multiple perspectives, and a new twist has developed--which is just freaking awesome)
--Dragon's Katana (editpalooza is still raging with this one. I've identified the issues with the plot and it's being whipped into shape. Hallelujah, this one has been a long, long, long time coming)
--Chronicles of PSST Book One: Laurel's Honor (this story has a refreshed plot, is sitting at 40K words, and hooks back to my first book... Emily's Affair. And it makes sense how it happens. Awesome!)

Okay, now I'm off to get some writing done. Y'all take care and I'll be back soon with a self publishing adventure update. Right after I get Lucien done and uploaded.

Until then...
(PS--I'll also come back to give yall some details on four different series that I've got mapped out to get written and/or started between now and December.  I think you're gonna enjoy that. I know I will. Mooohahahahahahaha!)


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