
Showing posts from 2010

Carpe Diem--Muse Style

Visualization with the Muse...

Nano update for Nov 2010...

NaNo Goals

The Night Before NaNoWriMo…The Muse Lays Down the Law

Plotting with the Muse (Part I)

Psychobabble-Part I

WIPS, Chains, and the Words that Bind Us--Um, I mean My Author

World Building (Part 5--Connections)

Goals, Motivations, and Conflicts… for One Writer (a.k.a., My Dear Author)

In the Valley of Shadows... (Confessions of a Know It All Muse)

World Building (Part 4--Character Races in the World)

World Building (Part 3: Incubation)

World Building (Part 2)--Building the Basic World Premise

World Building with Elijana (Part 1)

Uncharted Depths--Update

Uncharted Depths

Why vacations are bad for my author...