Hello Soapbox...

Welcome to the Soapbox... today's rant is me being pissed off about reading yet another writer announcing that there is no such thing as Writer's Block.  I am so sick of hearing this! I mean, really, seriously, are you an expert on the nature of mental ailments?  On the mystery of the human mind?  How and who are you to know what does and doesn't exist?  Just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen.

And yeah, this is me all fired up about it. Do I want to get into an argument with these non-believing writers?  Hell no.  What I'd like for them to do is to take a step back and think about this... how many years did it take for the medical world to admit that there is a mysterious disease out there called Fibromyalgia?  How many poor souls who were and are afflicted with Fibromyalgia had to spend countless hours, days, months, years being told, "Your pain is all in your head. There is nothing wrong with you."   To that same point, how many folks in North Carolina need to contract Lymes Disease before the doctors (and health insurance companies) of America will admit that the disease carrying ticks have migrated to NC?

Look, I get it that many writers don't believe that writer's block exists--I totally get it. You've been lucky and it's never happened to you.  That's awesome! Wonderful! Effing splendiferous!  But give the 'it doesn't exist' mantra a break.  Please.

The thing of it is that for any ailment there are stages... some stages are easier to deal with than others. Some... not so much.  The same principle applies to writer's block.  Everyone is freaking different. What works for you either may or may not work for me because... I'm different from you.

Why am I on the soapbox?  Because I've been a writer with writer's block. Not just the easy levels--nope, I was way deep down in depressive funks that had me seriously questioning if I would ever get my mojo back again.  Did I contract writer's block because I was lazy? Hell no. There was a shitload more to it than that. Did I procrastinate? No. I'm not a procrastinator. I'm a thinker, mover, and a shaker.  Was I blocked creatively? Yes, I was. Am I now? No. What did it take to get out of it? Therapy. Lots and lots of therapy. Both professional, self (by copious amounts of journal scribbling), and a solid support network of writers who did what a support network does... provide emotional support (hang in there, you can do this or I believe in you, you'll get past this or, even, breathe and take it one step at a time) with a hefty dose of optimism to your fellow writer.

So the next time you're thinking of slamming a fellow writer, because you're of the mindset that writer's block doesn't exist... do me a favor and take a step back and think.  Because seriously... delivering a sound bite of negativity based on an unqualified judgement may just one day come back to bite you in the ass.

And *poof* goes the soapbox.

Until next time... take care and happy reading, writing, and musing!


Liz said…
while I would never presume to say it doesn't exist, I can say it's a series of karmic waves, flowing in and out of my personal creative space. sometimes I am inundated with ideas, all clamoring for attention and to be realized on the page. Sometimes everything simply grinds to a halt, usually because whatever plot point I'm stuck on just doesn't work. Walk away, come back, do something completely different for an hour, a day, a week, whatever it takes, just don't force it. If the muse is there, he or she will return. good luck!
Elijana Kindel said…
Liz-- Thanks for stopping by and... You make an excellent point about the karmic waves. Love the way you described it. In many, many ways it is exactly that. At least, in my opinion. It has a lot to do with perspective, learning, and growing as a person. Approaching something with an ironclad, rigid perspective of yesterday might not work for the task of the day. Then again for some, it might be the perfect solution. It's all about doing what works for you.

I'm so glad you've found a walk away, then come back method that works for you. That's awesome!
Melissa Jarvis said…
I've had writer's block, with both Past Her Time and the sequel I'm now working on, as well as a few other stories. It definitely exists. I also think there can be a creativity point overload. My day job as a publicist requires a lot of writing, press releases, bios, newsletters, flyers, etc. and I've found that I can manage about two a day before just burning out. I've also had plot block, where my characters just want to sit around and talk. They need to get off their butts!
Karen Duvall said…
I believe writer's block exists, i've just never suffered from it. But i have been in a position of juggling a bunch of ideas and not wanting to commit to any of them because i'm lukewarm about them and not excited enough to go forward. So maybe writer's block comes in different forms and intensities.
Anonymous said…
As someone who's wrestled with writer's block for going on 8 months now, I'm here to tell ya that it definitely does exist. I've tried every day of those months to "keep my hand in" by taking writing classes that at least make me write something via homework assignments. I even lost the ability to enjoy reading--something that's never happened to me before--and realized that my block was either caused by or was causing a severe depressive episode...a long one!

My writer friends were supportive and I'm now emerging from the depression part of it. Not able to work on my current project yet, but ideas are finally happening again. My "writer's mind" is waking up. If anyone had tried to tell me that my block was imaginary, I would have laughed in their face. Writers live in their minds, for Pete's sake--in imaginal worlds--how pompous and arrogant and terminally insensitive does a person have to be to label a writer as "imagining" a painful disorder that's preventing them from writing?!
Unknown said…
Really, how insensitive do you have to be say it doesn't exist? There may be different underlying causes for it, but it most certainly does exist. As someone who went through nearly a ten year block, I would argue with anyone who wants to say differently. After having my writing attacked by a published writer for having character driven stories versus plot driven stories (character driven doesn't sell, I was told) I lost all confidence in my writing. Shortly after that my husband and I separated, we moved into the city and my son went on a rebellious streak that included verbally attacking me on a daily basis. I went through a serious depression and had a meltdown that was as close to a nervous breakdown as I ever want to get. Despite that, I sat down every day and tried to write. I would pull up a Word document and sit there and stare at a blank page for close to an hour before giving up. I tried keeping a journal, I tried free writing, I tried writing prompts and every other single thing I could think of, all to no avail.

I'm writing again now, FINALLY, after finding a group of awesome and supportive writers and taking some workshops but...and I'm sorry, not to be a b**ch...they can seriously kiss my ass.

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